Invest sustainably with your long-term wealth advisors. Get started with a free financial plan.
Book my meetingOur
Marco Vega
Founder & Financial Advisor
Sana Al-Badri Founder & Financial Advisor
We believe that money is a powerful tool.
If used wisely it will enable you to achieve your life goals - whether you want to retire early, buy a home, or donate.
We think Millennials should be able to fund their future while protecting the planet.
Till Behnke
SageWealth has a strong commitment to sustainability and is really easy to use.
Hans Jakob Raffauf
CEO, Clue
SageWealth finally brings emotional intelligence to the financial industry.
Gain actionable advice on:
We analyse your
situation and create
a personalised plan
We put your plan
into action with
sustainable investing
Together we ensure you can finance your life-goals!
Our advisors are always available to offer you
clarity on your financial decisions
We hate greenwashing - that’s why we use the highest EU sustainability standards possible for ETFs.
Clean energy
Future of food
Disruptive technology
Oil and coal
We save you hundreds of hours of research, so that you can start growing your wealth sooner - while making fewer mistakes!
Learn more about ourWe are partnered with Germany’s largest private investment bank.
Your investments are held securely with our partner, Baader Bank. Our legal processes are monitored by our partner, Bank für Vermogen. All parties are regulated by the BaFin (Germay’s financial supervisory authority).
You can deposit or withdraw your money at any time.
Your money is never locked in. However, we highly recommend that you think long-term when making investment decisions. The most important predictor for growth is the amount of time your money is invested.
Our fees are always under 1% p.a.
Half the price of most traditional banks.
The average financial advisor will charge €200 per hour for their services, and the average traditional bank will charge ~2% p.a. to manage your investments. Thanks to digitisation we are able to drop these costs significantly. This will save you thousands in the long-run, making your goals more achievable.
Setup automatic monthly deposits in background.
The most effective way to grow your wealth is to continually invest your money. We make this easy to set up (and switch off) with automatic monthly deposits. So that you don’t even have to think about growing your wealth.
92% of our generation don't trust bankers. They don't understand our needs, and their "advisory calls" are mostly just sales calls.
So here we are. An ambitious team of cognitive scientists, investment wizards, and climate advocates with a strong entrepreneurial track record.
As a financial services institution, we are not authorized to acquire possession or ownership of our client’s assets. Your assets are held securely in your own securities account at Baader Bank. In the unlikely event of insolvency of SageWealth or Baader Bank, any assets contained in your account do not fall into our insolvency estate. Instead your assets would be transferred to a new security account at a bank of your choosing. In addition, any cash remaining on your account is subject to the EU deposit protection (up to € 100,000). For more information please visit
Unfortunately not. It’s important to note that markets are volatile, and so one can’t guarantee the returns. Our estimated returns of (3.5% and 7%) are based on the ‘average’ returns (after fees) from the past 12 years of data. ‘Average’ here means that some years you can make more, and others less.
Secondly, our fee structure is based on your investment amount, so larger accounts stand to make more average returns, and smaller accounts, less. For more information on our fee structure please see our cost calculator.
1. Your basic account data is stored on database servers located in Frankfurt, provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS), a leading cloud provider used by many large institutions. This data is protected with a military-grade AES-256 encryption.
2. Your account's sensitive personal information & account balance is kept at Baader Bank, a strictly regulated financial institution which serves tens of thousands of accounts and handles billions in assets.
3. Upon login, your data is requested from our database and Baader Bank servers via an HTTPS protocol that employs SHA-256 hashing algorithm with RSA Encryption. The same secure protocol is used when you are logging in to your private bank account (e.g. N26, DKB, etc).
Our investment committee carefully put together our of ETF portfolios, which were thoroughly tested to ensure an optimal balance between returns and risks. Our historic performance shows that this is more effective than just buying a few of the popular index funds. You are able to decide how much to invest initially and monthly. However you won’t have the ability to edit the contents of your investment.